God In the Shower

Ever since we lost power for a few days a few years ago, I have had a new appreciation for a hot shower. Often I will sincerely offer prayers of appreciation and gratitude for the simple, often overlooked, grace of living in a place and at a time where this kind of convenience is literally […]



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Little Lessons

On Social Media & IRL

I have literally begun to moan out loud when I read her Facebook posts. You know the posts. You know what I am talking about – the posts are self-righteous, filled with prejudice, and vilifying one group or another. What really frustrates me about these posts is that they would claim to be “Christian.” I […]



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My Theology

Memorizing Scripture and Yorkies

With the cold weather, our little, neurotic, 6 pound, Yorkie has been sleeping a little higher up on our bed. Snuggled in a fleece blanket between my husband and me, Clark had hunkered down for a long winter’s nap last night. In the wee hours, I rolled over and sent the small dog into a […]



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Little Lessons

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Ordinary Days

Our holiday season was different this year. It started with deadly tornados ripping through our town. This event closed schools a week early for Christmas break and I found a God-given grace in the extra time it provided. Wally and I escaped town for a couple of nights to celebrate our December wedding anniversary (an […]

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Moving Classrooms – Part 2

The Vinsons name their cars. My SUV is Sally. Wally’s four door sedan is Henry. Riley drives a Sonata named Peggy. I came up with Sally’s name on a whim. I don’t rightly know how Henry was named. But, I can tell you that Peggy was named after Eliza Hamilton’s younger sister, now best known […]

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Moving Classrooms – Part 1

Thursday I moved classrooms. Many, if not most of my colleagues did the same. Whether they had been assigned a new-to-them room in the same building, or were transferring schools, like me, we were all purging no-longer-needed papers and no-longer-wanted decor. Supplies were shuffled. Cabinets cleaned out. Rooms left to the specifications of the hard-working, […]