Christmas Lists & Expectations

I love a good list. Better yet, I love a good to-do list, a list I can utilize to cross things off as I complete each task. A “list” keeps me organized. It keeps me from forgetting. It keeps me from feeling overwhelmed. It keeps me (at least feeling like I’m) in control. For me […]



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Little Lessons

Cell Phone Exposure

It was a Saturday night, not unlike tonight. I went to plug in my phone as I climbed under the covers. There was a strange message box stating that my battery was not an “apple” battery, but I dismissed it knowing that it was, and thinking that it had just been awhile since I had […]



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Little Lessons

Rest & Reminding

Last weekend was all about rest. It was much needed. It was sweet. It was also short. I knew it would be, so I savored it like a dark chocolate-covered, caramel sprinkled with sea salt. Like my favorite chocolate treat, it was special because it was so short and so sweet. Yet, rest is something […]



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My Theology

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Where I Am Supposed To Be

During class last week, our professor sought to help us process the latest school shooting in Texas. Like all my instructors in the graduate school at Lipscomb’s College of Education, she was modeling for us how we could facilitate a similar discussion with our own students. She read a few texts, gave us a few […]

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His Will For Me For Right Now

I met her for coffee late Thursday afternoon. She had been in my 12th grade Sunday school class over six years ago. We’ve been in touch, mostly through social media – if that counts, but hadn’t spent any real time together in way too long. She’s been busy graduating college, starting her career and getting […]

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Joy. Fully.

You may not have noticed the tag line at the end of all the Walmart ads this holiday season. They each ended with a play on the word, “joyfully,” and it really resonated with me. Maybe it is the brand-new, middle school, English teacher coming out in me, or maybe my life-long appreciation for the […]