A First Born Reads The Bible

As a first-born child, I have always been a rule-follower and a parent-pleaser. In many ways, over the years, this has been a great grace. It has kept me out of a lot of trouble. It has kept me in a lot of people’s good opinions. It has also kept me captive by making sure […]



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Insights in Scripture

Memorizing Scripture and Yorkies

With the cold weather, our little, neurotic, 6 pound, Yorkie has been sleeping a little higher up on our bed. Snuggled in a fleece blanket between my husband and me, Clark had hunkered down for a long winter’s nap last night. In the wee hours, I rolled over and sent the small dog into a […]



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Little Lessons

Grace Upon Grace

“For from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace.” John 1:16 (ESV) As I sit here looking out at the snow (3ish inches or so), God’s goodness overwhelms me. Yes, a snow day free from work responsibilities, but there is SO much more grace to be grateful for: puzzles, games and snow time […]



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Insights in Scripture

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God Bestows Favor & Honor

This week the Tennessee Department of Education released teacher scores. They take each teacher’s assigned students, analyze how they perform on the one big state assessment and then score that teacher on a scale from 1 to 5. The teacher gets to say whether they want to be evaluated on student growth or overall performance, […]

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God Is A Shield

I don’t remember the day, where we were going, or even why we were in the car. It was sunny, very sunny, and very hot, as it tends to be in August in Middle Tennessee. My nine year old asks from the back seat why that “silly” lady is walking under an umbrella on such […]

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God is A Sun

When it is cold in the winter and I just can’t seem to warm my frozen toes, I like to close my eyes and remember summer days. Specifically, days in July when I have closed my eyes and laid out by a pool feeling the sun’s rays warm my sun-screened skin. I don’t sleep, but […]