Redeeming Mother’s Day

Today is full of a bunch of different emotions for a bunch of different reasons. Mother’s Day. This is the first Mother’s Day since my grandmother’s passing. I miss her, but I also hurt for my mom, whom I know misses her so much more. May is the month the baby I miscarried would have […]



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Facing Fears By Holding Hands

I could tell from her cry that the fear was as sincere as it could be. Mommas know the differences in their kids’ cries. It starts when they’re young – there is the hungry cry, the tired cry, the change-my-diaper cry. . . As the baby gets older and is better able to communicate, some […]



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Big Deal, Big Day

I remember when I used to think 40 was old. Then Wally turned 40 and it didn’t seem THAT old. Now, it’s nearly 3 years in my past and 40 doesn’t seem old at all anymore. Today is the day that 50 no longer seems THAT old. Yep, today Wally is 50 years old, half […]



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Holding On And Letting Go

He had only been gone for 15 or so minutes when the phone rang. I had been enjoying the slow start to my Saturday and reading the news on my phone when his picture popped up. Swiping left, I answered his call. What could he had forgotten? He didn’t really need anything to help the […]

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Redeeming Valentine’s Day

It was the first time we had hired a babysitter. It was about that time of the afternoon when we needed to start to get ready to go out. But, we knew something wasn’t right. Our oldest was three months shy of her first birthday and she wasn’t quite herself. The baby thermometer confirmed our […]

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Life and Death and Christmas

Three days after Christmas I sat in a sanctuary still beautifully decorated for the Christmas season. Greenery and candles with white lights were intermingled along the stage in an elegant way. To the left hand side, surrounded by the decorations was a simple feeding trough, manger with a doll wrapped in swaddling cloths, Baby Jesus. […]