God & The Public School

My husband and I made the decision when our girls were school-age, that unless the Lord made it abundantly clear otherwise, that they would attend public school. This blog post is not about justifying our choices or condemning other parents for homeschooling or sending their kiddos to private schools. We know they need to do […]



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Trusting Him With Her

“I love you! Watch out for the crazies!” These are the last words that I am telling my newly driving daughter these days as she heads out the door. I want to tell her so much more – “Don’t take the turns too fast,” “Be sure to use your turn signal,” “Don’t let your phone […]



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The Blessed Dreaded Week

I have dreaded this week for a long time. My last born, my baby starts kindergarten. With the way God spaced out my “babies” this is the first time in 16 years that I have not had a little at home with me. My “present tense” is definitely changing. Eliza has been my sidekick for […]



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The Lost Post

Last Saturday morning I thought I had the perfect window to write a post for this blog. I had actually started it a couple of days before, and knew this topic would be relatable. I sat down at my desk in my kitchen and began to type. The ideas seemed to be flowing and I […]

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Unexpected Grace

Normally, like 9.5 times out of 10, I enter and exit our house through the garage. In all our comings and goings, it feels like I do that at least 20 times a day. So it is not unusual for me to go a few days without actually taking the few steps off our small […]

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Good Friday’s Cross

Recently, I was excited to attend an event where one of my favorite authors would be speaking. One of my best girlfriends and I grabbed a nice dinner beforehand and we made our way to the venue. Before we found our seats, we saw and connected with ladies from all over town and various phases […]