The Christmas decorations are coming down today. I have never left them up for so long. Early in our marriage, it was what I did watching the Rose Bowl Parade on New Year’s Day. While the bowl games played in the background I would pack up the ornaments, lights and nativity sets. It was practically […]
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This is NOT my New Year’s Eve/Resolution post. This is NOT the post explaining what God is whispering to my soul as one decade ends and another begins. THAT post is most likely coming, but this is NOT it. This post IS intended to encourage you to think about commitments vs. resolutions and change vs. […]
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What are you doing today to prepare for Christmas? If you are like me, you have a jammed-packed planner overflowing with various lists and spilling over with paper scraps full of reminders and details. Our dining room table cannot currently be eaten off of as it is covered with gifts in various stages of being […]
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