One of my favorite summer memories as a child is a tradition of sorts. Upon arriving at my grandparents, we would be ushered into my grandfather’s vegetable garden to see the progress of all his hard work. He planted lots of things, including carrots just so he could watch my brother and I pluck the […]
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I like to use today to get ready for tomorrow. For the past few years I have kept a bullet journal (see what it is here). I have found I can use it to keep this family of 5 organized and on time within its pages. It has been a great tool for my sanity […]
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Growing up, my brother and I were obsessed on everything being fair. Only 22 months a part in age, we seemed to compete in everything and neither of us would tolerate the other getting something extra or having any kind of advantage – that just wouldn’t be right. If there was one piece of candy […]
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