God Is A Shield

I don’t remember the day, where we were going, or even why we were in the car. It was sunny, very sunny, and very hot, as it tends to be in August in Middle Tennessee. My nine year old asks from the back seat why that “silly” lady is walking under an umbrella on such […]



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As a girl, I was a “Barbie Girl.” My best friend, Tina, loved her baby dolls and I loved my Barbies. When my mom and I finally packed them away, I had close to 40 different dolls – Barbies, Kens, Skippers and their friends. I had THE Dream House full of Mattel branded furniture, a […]



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Little Lessons

God is A Sun

When it is cold in the winter and I just can’t seem to warm my frozen toes, I like to close my eyes and remember summer days. Specifically, days in July when I have closed my eyes and laid out by a pool feeling the sun’s rays warm my sun-screened skin. I don’t sleep, but […]



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Dependence Day

Yesterday, we spent the holiday in New Albany, Indiana / Louisville, Kentucky with our oldest daughter. She is interning up there this summer and was set to spend the 4th alone. My mamma heart couldn’t have it, so we loaded the two younger sisters in the car and took the trip north up I-65. We […]

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Moving Classrooms – Part 2

The Vinsons name their cars. My SUV is Sally. Wally’s four door sedan is Henry. Riley drives a Sonata named Peggy. I came up with Sally’s name on a whim. I don’t rightly know how Henry was named. But, I can tell you that Peggy was named after Eliza Hamilton’s younger sister, now best known […]

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Moving Classrooms – Part 1

Thursday I moved classrooms. Many, if not most of my colleagues did the same. Whether they had been assigned a new-to-them room in the same building, or were transferring schools, like me, we were all purging no-longer-needed papers and no-longer-wanted decor. Supplies were shuffled. Cabinets cleaned out. Rooms left to the specifications of the hard-working, […]