The Meaning of Pro-Life

Pro-Life is SO much more than Anti-Abortion. It is for every life – the down-syndrome, the homeless, the druggie, the refuge, the convicted rapist and murderer. It is more than a political talking point or side of a social media argument. It is how we treat -with respect and love- those with opposing political and […]



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My Theology

Tangled Raw

The tangle of conflicting intertwined emotions weighs heavy on my sternum. Some angles are sharp and literally, physically hurt when they rub against my inside. Mostly the mass just seems to ache until I can find some sort of distraction to numb the damaged spot. Christmas is usually filled with mostly happy thoughts and memories. […]



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Shoulder the Responsibility

I don’t know if that saying is used much any more – if someone “shoulders the responsibility,” they are the one that would ultimately take charge, be the one that the buck stops with and is in control of the task at hand. Like my high school daughter lugging her heavy backpack onto her shoulder […]



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Hard Truth and Ridiculous Grace

I never do this, but I did this once. (Actually, I really liked the convenience so it is highly likely I will do it again!) The song on the radio had this fantastic phrasing and I had to purchase this song. It made me late to pick up my middle daughter from her friend’s sleepover, […]

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The Lack of Anniversary Cards

I thought I would drop into Walgreen’s and quickly and grab an anniversary card for my love. I only had a few minutes, but since my children were not in tow, I assumed that it wouldn’t take long. It took longer than I expected. First, I scoured the selection for “Anniversary Cards for Husbands” and […]

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Grace – Saving and Covering

The posters and other promotional material were soon all over the church. Before I knew it, the same hip graphic and my name were also being pushed out on the church’s social media platforms. Honestly, it was -and still is- humbling and intimidating to see the words “Key Note Speaker” next to my name. With […]