I am officially ahead of “the game.”
I am not entirely sure of the rules or even who the other players may be. I don’t know if there are officials or umpires or even fans cheering on the sidelines.
But, I am sure every gal out there can relate to the craziness that is December with its endless to-do, to-buy and to-make lists. I have seen holiday planner books to help keep lists of all the lists we tend to make during the Christmas season.
This year, however, I feel like things are under control. No, I don’t have all the gifts bought or the first package wrapped. I don’t even know what I am buying most of the peeps on any of my lists – but I’ve got peace.
I have seen several things get bumped off my list until after the 25th. I have also had the extreme satisfaction of crossing several other things off my lists. Things I have never had done this early in the month are no longer dangling over my head. I’ve got peace.
Yes, the Big Day is getting closer with each move of the star on the girls’ advent calendar that hangs on the fridge. But, it’s okay. I’ve got peace.
With this peace comes the freedom to enJOY the lights on my tree with the coffee in my cup.
This morning, I felt a little uneasy and even a little threatened by this sense of “winning” this game the Christmas season has become. I even joked with my co-workers that I felt a little nervous too and confessed that I questioned God with what He might know is in store for my next couple of weeks.
Then as the day progressed, I realized that by His grace alone, I have been intentional to seek Him and abide in Him as this season of advent has begun to unfold.
There is nothing magical about the Paul David Tripp devotional I am reading. True, I have been worshipping to Chris Tomlin’s Christmas CD in the car. Prepping to teach the ladies at church from another great advent devotional has made an impact too.
For the first time in MANY Christmases, I am intent to make sure that this season is a spiritual one for me. His Word tells us that when we seek Him we will find Him. (Jeremiah 29:12-13, Matthew 7:7) This is my game plan, my strategy and He is keeping His Word.
I have been convicted on how I prep for every other aspect of the Christmas season. I list. I stress. I run. I spend. I mean to bake. Then I wonder what happened and where the joy of the holiday went. I welcome January and the chance to start over feeling as though I missed something vital.
Don’t get me wrong. From the time I was young I could tell you Jesus was the reason for the season, but my actions and attitudes rarely reflected that.
This year as I seek Him first, He is adding the rest -both in the sense of the things that “must be done” getting the attention that they need and in the sense of the “rest” that usually seems so elusive during the days after Thanksgiving. (Matthew 6:33)
My question to you is the same question I asked my Sunday school class this week. “What are you doing to prep for Christmas?” These teens and I discussed and defined “advent” and “incarnation.” Maybe I will blog about that too . . . But in the meantime, please share with me how you are preparing your heart to celebrate the birth of our Jesus?