A Blank Screen & A Blinking Cursor

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May 25, 2024

I want to write.

I want to work with words and communicate the things that are rattling around in my mind. I have a few ideas, but nothing that seems pressing or urgent or even necessary to get out.

I know that those things will come. Those few ideas will ruminate and culminate into blog posts – or at least a couple of them will.

But, for this morning, the blinking cursor is symbolic of where I find myself:

The school year has ended. My classroom is packed and ready for the custodial staff’s deep summer cleaning. My passkey has been turned in. My grades verified and Ms. Cynthia has collected my EOY checklist to ensure that all my responsibilities have been crossed off, completed.

The summer has just begun. There are a few appointments scheduled and a smattering of commitments on the calendar. We’ve also planned a couple of trips, one for June and another for July. But today it is still the end of May and all of that awaits.

My college student daughter is home with a dorm room quantity of stuff to go through, clean up and repack as we prepare to move her into her first apartment on a date that has yet to be determined. The task can wait because it doesn’t have completion date. Besides, this her responsibility, not mine.

There are other projects – the yard, the basement, the garage, the top of my dresser and that one drawer in the bathroom – that have all been put off until a time where I am less busy and the demands on my time have decreased, when I can get around to it.

I could write more about wanting to help my middle daughter organize her room and wanting to assist my youngest daughter regulate her screen time – and maybe I will – not just guiding my girls in these things, but also, at some point, I will write about the process and how God sanctifies me through it. But, this morning, my present tense, is about the blank screen and the blinking cursor as I take a deep breath and a long exhale and rest.

I am reflecting on God’s good goodness and His faithful faithfulness. I am taking walks and reading my Bible and enjoying yummy breakfasts my husband cooked and relishing my girls’ giggles.

This. This blank screen isn’t discouraging. It is delightful. It is a grace and I am grateful for it.

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