A Magnificent Gift

Written on

July 23, 2019

Photo by Tracey Deleon on Unsplash

This morning is a magnificent gift.

There is nothing pressing on the agenda. In fact, I just told Piper that there was no plan for the day.

I awoke without an alarm, had my “peaceful time,” and have returned a few work related emails.

When I kissed Wally goodbye for the day, I followed him out the front door as I usually do. I stood on the porch as He backed out of the driveway to began his day of ministry and service. It is late July, but the temperature was crisp – even a little cool. That’s when I decided to have my breakfast on the back patio.

So, with a favorite large cup filled with steaming decaf and a bowl of greek yogurt topped with berries and granola, I grabbed my laptop and headed out. And now here I sit. . .

I tried scrolling through my Facebook feed, but felt His Spirit gently tug on my heart to begin to pray. Without closing my eyes, I began praying for our VBS tonight, my ladies’ Bible Study this Friday, and a bunch of other things that I wanted God to do.

Then my tiny friends caught my eye . . .

Usually I watch them from my desk chair out my kitchen window. I fill two feeders with sugar water to attract them and keep them coming back. I have even named one of the them, Judy. My daughters will notice one at the window or on the butterfly bush just beyond and tell me that “my” hummingbird has come to visit.

They fascinate me. I know they have much to teach me.

So delicate and so tiny. So fast and so graceful. So beautiful and so powerful.

This morning, as I tried to pray, they again caught my eye. I never knew they made such great, squeaking, sounds as they swoop and dance with each other in the air. (Judy may be guarding “her” feeders again. She doesn’t like to share. So I am not sure she was singing but rather trying to scare the other birds away.) I can’t hear their noises that trapped inside by the summer’s heat and humidity.

In my prayer this morning I stopped asking God to do things, and simply just rested in His greatness through the magnificent way He created these little, inconsequential creatures that give me such happiness….

I sat here, in my own backyard and I was reminded of how I felt on the beach last month. Then I realized I don’t have to take a vacation or a retreat or make great plans to be in awe of the Creator, my Creator. I can see and bask in His glory if I just stop and set aside the distractions right where I am.

He will show me who He is and remind me who I am to Him. He holds the universe together and meticulously sees to the needs of the hummingbirds; birds that play no role in eternity except to point me to His greatness. If He cares so much about the hummingbirds, how much more does He care for me?

This morning is a great grace, a gift I did not ask for, nor begin to deserve.

My birthday is this week. I am going to chose to believe that this morning with its uncharacteristic temps, the hummingbirds and butterflies flitting about my backyard and the simple opportunity for me to be still and know, – are all part of God’s magnificent birthday gift to me.

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