Seeking Prayers

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September 23, 2018

You know you’re on to something that the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you when . . .

 . . . the pastor preaches on that same subject.

I had been mulling over God’s response to our prayers for a couple of weeks now and even blogged about it earlier this week.

I want to pray prayers that God always answers “yes” to.

Jesus says we don’t have because we don’t ask – so what is happening when we ask and we don’t receive what it is we are asking for?

The pastor this morning pointed out that God is like the parent who knows what’s best for us and denies us what we want when it does not coincide with what is best for us.

So, how do we know what is best for us? How do we know what we should ask for?

He used a couple of “famous” scriptures to back up his points. I know you’ve heard these. You may have one hanging on some artwork in your house or maybe you are sipping from a LifeWay bought mug with the words emblazoned on the side –

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be given to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8

After discussing this verse, he pointed out that it follows the other verse from the previous chapter that also talks about “seeking” – 
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33

I have accepted that on this side of heaven, I will never be an expert pray-er. I will always be seeking and learning how to better pray. But I know from these passages that as I seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness that my prayers – the things I ask God for, will be better in line with His will for me. I will learn how to ask for the things I should ask for. He will change the things I ask for.
As I read His Word and study His ways, I will learn more and more. I will be reminded that His ways are higher than mine.  As a result, I will not always know how to pray as I should. But, I know He is good. He is faithful. He will add “these things to” me. He will give me what I ask. He will open the door. 
  • If my prayer is for a deeper desire to pray this way – He will answer “yes” because it glorifies Him and draws me closer to Him. 
  • If my prayer is know and experience His kingdom and His righteousness – He will answer “yes” because it glorifies Him and draws me closer to Him. 
  • If my prayer is in line with His character and making me more like Him – He will answer “yes” because it glorifies Him and draws me closer to Him. 

Through prayer He grows my faith and teaches me more about Himself. Prayer is a spiritual discipline that is crucial to me being made over to be the God-follower that Christ died to make me to be.

Prayer is definitely one of the ways God is working on me in my present tense.

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