The Fluttering Wing Stage

I cut through the school library to take a short cut back to my classroom. Our librarian was there of course and we began to chat. I knew she had a graduating senior this year and I sought to encourage her as her oldest was closing one life phase and opening another. We talked about […]



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God & The Public School

My husband and I made the decision when our girls were school-age, that unless the Lord made it abundantly clear otherwise, that they would attend public school. This blog post is not about justifying our choices or condemning other parents for homeschooling or sending their kiddos to private schools. We know they need to do […]



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School Sunrise

Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, my drive to work definitely changes over the course of the school year. A good portion of the months, I leave my house and arrive at my school when it is still very dark. Lately, the sun is now very much in the sky and, if it’s not raining, the […]



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Operation Do It (O.D.I.)

Tomorrow starts the third week of the girls’ summer break from school. Over the years we have developed some structure for the girls’ free mornings so they wouldn’t spend all day every day glued to some screen or begin begging us for something to “do” at 10 am each day. I am not sure which […]

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What Is The Best Thing About It?

Today, my first born turns 18. Last Saturday, was her last piano recital ever. I remember when she swung her legs from the bench, barely able to keep up with her instructor. Next Saturday is her senior prom. She will dress up and wear her highest heals to date. Then, the following Friday she will […]

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Postponed Parties & Lingering Lessons

It was a little over a year ago our life changed – everyone’s did, as the lockdowns started and the pandemic began its sweep across the country. Last year, Piper’s 11th birthday came and went without her friend party or her extended family gathering to watch her blow her candles out. This year, as we […]