He Sees. He Knows

When I read the headline and the subsequent article, I said a quick prayer. Surely the 15 year old victim would not be one of the students I had when I taught on the other side of town. After all, there are at least 2-3 other high schools near the crime scenes and that meant […]



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God In the Shower

Ever since we lost power for a few days a few years ago, I have had a new appreciation for a hot shower. Often I will sincerely offer prayers of appreciation and gratitude for the simple, often overlooked, grace of living in a place and at a time where this kind of convenience is literally […]



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Little Lessons

On Social Media & IRL

I have literally begun to moan out loud when I read her Facebook posts. You know the posts. You know what I am talking about – the posts are self-righteous, filled with prejudice, and vilifying one group or another. What really frustrates me about these posts is that they would claim to be “Christian.” I […]



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My Theology

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Disney Perspectives

I fell in love with Disney as a kid. During the “Disney Renaissance” I watched Belle, Ariel and Aladdin at the movie theater and was hooked on ALL things Disney. I honestly cannot even guess how much time I spent at their store in the mall and even took a few animation courses in high […]

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A First Born Reads The Bible

As a first-born child, I have always been a rule-follower and a parent-pleaser. In many ways, over the years, this has been a great grace. It has kept me out of a lot of trouble. It has kept me in a lot of people’s good opinions. It has also kept me captive by making sure […]

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A Blank Screen & A Blinking Cursor

I want to write. I want to work with words and communicate the things that are rattling around in my mind. I have a few ideas, but nothing that seems pressing or urgent or even necessary to get out. I know that those things will come. Those few ideas will ruminate and culminate into blog […]