God In the Shower

Ever since we lost power for a few days a few years ago, I have had a new appreciation for a hot shower. Often I will sincerely offer prayers of appreciation and gratitude for the simple, often overlooked, grace of living in a place and at a time where this kind of convenience is literally […]



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Little Lessons

On Social Media & IRL

I have literally begun to moan out loud when I read her Facebook posts. You know the posts. You know what I am talking about – the posts are self-righteous, filled with prejudice, and vilifying one group or another. What really frustrates me about these posts is that they would claim to be “Christian.” I […]



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My Theology

The Fluttering Wing Stage

I cut through the school library to take a short cut back to my classroom. Our librarian was there of course and we began to chat. I knew she had a graduating senior this year and I sought to encourage her as her oldest was closing one life phase and opening another. We talked about […]



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God & The Public School

My husband and I made the decision when our girls were school-age, that unless the Lord made it abundantly clear otherwise, that they would attend public school. This blog post is not about justifying our choices or condemning other parents for homeschooling or sending their kiddos to private schools. We know they need to do […]

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Disney Perspectives

I fell in love with Disney as a kid. During the “Disney Renaissance” I watched Belle, Ariel and Aladdin at the movie theater and was hooked on ALL things Disney. I honestly cannot even guess how much time I spent at their store in the mall and even took a few animation courses in high […]

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A First Born Reads The Bible

As a first-born child, I have always been a rule-follower and a parent-pleaser. In many ways, over the years, this has been a great grace. It has kept me out of a lot of trouble. It has kept me in a lot of people’s good opinions. It has also kept me captive by making sure […]